Optimising your Accounts Payable process

Step 1: Import your foreign agent bills into the Billtrader platform
When bills come in from your foreign agents, email them to us to upload into the Billtrader platform.
We capture all the relevant information from the invoice including your agents’ references and matter numbers.
Our proprietary API then pushes the invoice data into your accounting software and IP management systems.
Step 2: Verify & Approve your foreign agent bills
Our software compares all the matter numbers to the matter numbers in your database to make sure the references are correct.
Bills with invalid matter numbers are rejected and remain in the inbox with a detailed error message.

Step 3: Trade your foreign agent bills and pick a settlement date
Successfully imported bills appear on the Trade Page and can also be viewed in your AC software.
Go to the Trade page and select the bills to trade.
Choose a future settlement date and confirm the trade.
Step 4: We handle the payments and mark your bills as paid
Once you trade your bills, we handle the payments, mark your bills as paid and send a remittance advice to your agents and store a copy on our platform.

Get in touch to schedule an obligation-free Operational Efficiency Assessment and platform demo
To learn more about how Billtrader can help you transform your foreign agent payments and receivables, contact our global sales team.